Train station is a hub of a city, the connection of a city and its surroundings, not only for traffic, but also for relations among people and relationship between humans and cities. The Providence train station is located in the center of downtown, carrying passengers going north and south.
The concept of this project is addressing the relationship between two opposite volumes, floating overground and underground, which are called “cloud” and “ground”. “Cloud” is the space to exhibit the model of Providence, and “ground” provides concourse and exchanging space to train tracks. The two different volumes are against with each other, yet harmonious by connections “light tubes”, which are served as vertical passages, passing through them.
Floating and rooted are situations of people on the trip or settled. So passengers in the station are experiencing not only the structural concept, but also the situations of themselves. However, conditions are changable in universe, like the space in the station is flowing and the relations of each part are dualistic.