Architectural Schematic Design for Visitor Center at Site No. 03-01-02 in Xiaomeisha, Shenzhen
1. 建筑的形态——被凝固了的形状;
2. 随风摆动的金属片——流动的形状。
This project originates from the idea of capturing sea breeze, to visualize the shape of breeze by two means: 1. the architectural volume, which is the form solidified by wind; 2. the metal sheets waving through wind, which indicates the active wind blowing. The roof of the building is undulating from the low point-southwest to the high point-northeast. It is covered with the wind-driven installation that consists of thousands of metal sheets tracing wind’s paths.
建筑地上部分由两个体系构成:钢木结构与玻璃幕墙组成的外壳及阶梯式木平台形成的实体。 在功能上:整个地上空间为图书馆;地下一层为游客信息中心、展厅与会议区;地下二层为车库与设备用房。
There are two systems existing in the volume above the ground: the shell constructed by the steel structure and glass curtain, and the interior mass with wood. The upper layers of the building above the ground serve as library open to public, while the underground layer contains visitor center, exhibition halls and meeting rooms. Besides, the parking garage and facilities are underneath.
The space in library is open and flexible. There are various facilities hidden in the wood structure: the book shelves, reading areas, video rooms and storages. In addition, there are a multi-functional meeting room and a mini theater underneath for public activities.
There is a ramp along with the book shelves, leading towards the exhibition hall underground.